Graduate Colloquium Series: 2020.1 (Larres, Main, and Feldcamp)

noon to 1:30 p.m., Feb. 7, 2020

This first installment of our 2020 Graduate Colloqium series, will feature M.A. students Elise LarresMichael Main, and Zack Feldcamp, and will be held in Learning Services Building 246.

Elise's presentation will be a preview of her CAMWS talk on “The Echo of Μῆνις: Contrasting the Wrath of Achilles and the Anger of Poseidon”.  

Michael's presentation on “Saga Poetica: The Metapoetics of Magic in Tibullus” will also preview a CAMWS talk.

Zack's talk is built out of his 510 paper and will be titled “Text as Fossil? Remarks on the Viability of a Biophilology”.

Please join us for this exciting graduate student research!