Graduate Colloquium Series: 2020.2 (Speakman, Barcarolo, Munson)

noon to 1:30 p.m., Feb. 21, 2020

This second installment of our 2020 Graduate Colloqium series, will feature M.A. students Caleb Speakman, Monica Barcarolo, and Luke Munson, and will be held in Haury 219.

Caleb's presentation will be a preview of his CAMWS talk entitled ““Socrates the Liturgist: Rehabilitating Poetry through the Liturgical Subject in Plato’s Ion”.  

Monica's presentation on “Inside a Roman’s Stomach: An Analysis of Class Diets of Early First Century AD Rome” will also preview a CAMWS talk.

Luke's paper entitled “The Crisis of the Third Century as Seen through the Planning and Energetics of the Aurelian Wall” will also be given at CAMWS.

Please join us for this exciting graduate student research!