Graduate Colloquium Series: 2023.4 (McMath, Richards, Omilanowski)

11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., April 7, 2023

This fourth and final installment of our 2023 Graduate Colloqium series, will feature Classics M.A. students Thomas McMath and Austin Richards, as well as Anthropology Ph.D. student and Classics MA Alumnus, Colin Omilanowski, and will be held in Chavez 109.

Thomas will be presenting some of his thesis work in a paper entitled Apuleius Parrots the Poets

Austin will be presenting his 510A paper entitled Gregory of Nyssa on Philo of Alexandria: Theological Epistemology and Anti-Jewish Rhetoric

Colin will be presenting is work on The Monument of Agrippa: Social Memory and Victory in Augustan Athens

Please join us for this exciting graduate student research!
