Please join us for the Spring 2016 Classics Graduate Student Colloquium,
where our graduate students share their most recent scholarship!
Learning Services Building, Room 246
Friday, March 4, 1 PM - 3 PM; Friday, March 11, 1 PM - 3 PM
Program for March 11, 2016
John Proios, Philosophy
"Some Interpretive Puzzles in Gorgias and Parmenides"
Daylin Oakes, Classics
"Rape Glossed as Robbery: Avoiding or Addressing Difficult Topics in Introductory Latin"
Clare Rasmussen, Classics
"Identity Theft: Romano-Celtic Temples"
Ian Dahl, Classics
"A Galling Problem: The Cultural Identity of Galatians in Scholarship"
Travis Hill, Classics
"'They Make Themselves Immortal': Worship of the Great God at the Greek Colony of Odessos"
Shannon Ells, Classics
"From Wood to Stone: A Study of Forum Petrification under Trajan at Sarmizegetusa"
Program March 4, 2016
Stephen Czujko, Classics 1:00
"It’s Rough Being Claudius: Rustication in the Templum Divii Claudii"
Catherine Schenck, Classics 1:20
"How to Get Away With Murder: Domitian’s Execution of the Vestal Virgins"
Melanie Zelikovsky, Classics 1:40
"Mystery Men: A New Approach to the Gold Masks of Grave Circle A"
James Geach, Classics 2:00
"Suspense and Surprise in Euripides"
Bjorn Wastvedt, Philosophy 2:20
"Becoming a Cosmopolitan in Zeno’s Cosmic City: A Third Form of Stoic Cosmopolitanism"
Elizabeth Keyser, Classics 2:40
"There’s More to Me Than My Bum: Looking At Both Sides of the Boston Skyphos"