Classics Graduate Student Colloquium

March 11, 2016

Please join us for the Spring 2016 Classics Graduate Student Colloquium,

where our graduate students share their most recent scholarship!

Learning Services Building, Room 246

Friday, March 4, 1 PM - 3 PM; Friday, March 11, 1 PM - 3 PM

Program for March 11, 2016
John Proios, Philosophy
"Some Interpretive Puzzles in Gorgias and Parmenides"

Daylin Oakes, Classics
"Rape Glossed as Robbery: Avoiding or Addressing Difficult Topics in Introductory Latin"

Clare Rasmussen, Classics
"Identity Theft: Romano-Celtic Temples"

Ian Dahl, Classics
"A Galling Problem: The Cultural Identity of Galatians in Scholarship"

Travis Hill, Classics
"'They Make Themselves Immortal': Worship of the Great God at the Greek Colony of Odessos"

Shannon Ells, Classics
"From Wood to Stone: A Study of Forum Petrification under Trajan at Sarmizegetusa"


Program                                            March 4, 2016

Stephen Czujko, Classics                                                     1:00

"It’s Rough Being Claudius: Rustication in the Templum Divii Claudii"

Catherine Schenck, Classics                                                1:20

"How to Get Away With Murder: Domitian’s Execution of the Vestal Virgins"

Melanie Zelikovsky, Classics                                                 1:40

"Mystery Men: A New Approach to the Gold Masks of Grave Circle A"

James Geach, Classics                                                        2:00

"Suspense and Surprise in Euripides"

Bjorn Wastvedt, Philosophy                                                  2:20

"Becoming a Cosmopolitan in Zeno’s Cosmic City: A Third Form of Stoic Cosmopolitanism"

Elizabeth Keyser, Classics                                                   2:40

"There’s More to Me Than My Bum: Looking At Both Sides of the Boston Skyphos"