The abstracts of fourteen Classics M.A. students have been accepted by The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS):
(first year students)
Stephen Czujko, “It’s Rough Being Claudius: Rustication in the Templum Divi Claudii”
Elizabeth Harvey, “Anatomizing the Archetype: Character Conflation in Book Four of Ovid’s Metamorphoses”
Travis Hill, “‘They Make Themselves Immortal’: Worship of the Great God at the Greek Colony of Odessos”
Elizabeth Keyser, “There’s More to Me Than My Bum: Interpreting Both Sides of the Boston Skyphos”
Kelly Moss, “The Origins of the Temple Architecture and Cult of Apollo at Didyma”
Daylin Oakes, “Rape Glossed as Robbery: Avoiding or Addressing Difficult Topics in Introductory Latin”
William Ramundt, “Stamping Around in Italy: A New Arretine Stamp from the Villa del Vergigno”
Clare Rasmussen, “Identity Theft: Romano-Celtic Temples”
Catherine Schenk, “How to Get Away With Murder: Domitian’s Executions of Vestal Virgins”
(second year students)
Lauren Alberti, “Epicurious about the memento mori?: The Skeleton in Roman Feasting Contexts”
Ian Dahl, “A Galling Problem: The Cultural Identity of Galatians in Scholarship”
Shannon Ells, “From Wood to Stone: A Study in Forum Petrification at Sarmizegetusa, Dacia”
James Geach, “τῶν δ᾽ ἀδοκήτων πόρον: Surprise and the Function of Euripides’ Prologues”
Melanie Zelikovsky, "Mystery Men: A New Approach to the Gold Masks of Grave Circle A"
Each of these graduate students will present a paper at the organization's 112th Annual Meeting at the University of William and Mary (March 16-19, 2016). More information about the conference is available here.