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Modern Languages Building 326
Office Hours
M 9-10am, F 11am-12pm, or by appointment
Christenson, David M.
Professor of Classics

Ph.D. Classical Philology, Harvard University
M.A. Classics, University of California at Santa Barbara
A.B. English Language and Literature, University of Michigan

Spring 2025 Courses

Areas of Expertise

  • Greek and Roman Theater
  • Ancient Slavery
  • Early Imperial Latin Literature and Culture
  • Gender in Antiquity
  • Translation and Reception Studies

Books (single-authored)

Edited Volume 

Selected Refereed Articles, Chapters, Notes, Encyclopedia Entries, and Invited Book Reviews & Review Articles

Selected Awards

  • 2013: University of Arizona Graduate College Graduate Education Teaching and Mentoring Award
  • 2012: University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council Outstanding Mentor of Graduate Students
  • 2011-12: Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship
  • 2008: University of Arizona College of Humanities Humanities Seminars Program Superior Teaching Award
  • 2006: University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council Graduate Student Advisor of the Year

M.A. Thesis Committees Directed or Served at the University of Arizona


Currently Teaching

CLAS 301B – The Literature of the Ancient Romans: Latin Literature in English Translation

Classics 301B provides an introductory survey of Latin literature through English translations. The works to be studied include some of the earliest extant ones of the republican period down to those of the mid-empire: our authors span a period of over 300 years. We will read from a variety of genres, including comedy and tragedy, epic and lyric poetry, didactic literature, satire, historiography, the novel, letters, and philosophy. Latin writers appropriated all these genres- with the exception of satire, which apparently is a Roman innovation (satura quidem tota nostra est, Quintilian 10.1.93)-from the Greeks. In doing so they creatively and self-reflexively (Latin literature is extremely "meta") adapted their Greek source texts with a view to their own audiences and artistic purposes. The study of this literature provides a dynamic point of entry into the rich and diverse cultural world of the ancient Romans-the Roman empire was an extraordinarily complex experiment in multiethnic and polylingual exchange that is only now being rivaled by globalist movements. Latin literature is also critical to appreciation of subsequent European literatures and cultures.

CLAS 432 – Literary Translation as Classical Reception

This course examines the translation of classical (poetic) texts as a way of receiving these texts and rendering them accessible - and fresh - for new audiences. The course consists of five components: (1) an introduction to the field of Translation Studies; (2) diachronic study of some of the most influential writers on translation, i.e. from Cicero to 21st century theorists; (3) the translation and adaptation of Greek texts by Latin authors at the beginnings of Latin literature; (4) close study of selected Greek and Latin poetic texts against a selection of published translations of them in English; (5) translation practica.

CLAS 532 – Literary Translation as Classical Reception

This course examines the translation of classical (poetic) texts as a way of receiving these texts and rendering them accessible - and fresh - for new audiences. The course consists of five components: (1) an introduction to the field of Translation Studies; (2) diachronic study of some of the most influential writers on translation, i.e. from Cicero to 21st century theorists; (3) the translation and adaptation of Greek texts by Latin authors at the beginnings of Latin literature; (4) close study of selected Greek and Latin poetic texts against a selection of published translations of them in English; (5) translation practica. Graduate level requirements include readings in both Greek & Latin, an oral report, and more extensive practica.